Thursday, December 13, 2007


I got 7/10 it told me to keep trying lol. I missed six and nine which to me if I just broke anything of my mom's I would sound more concerned than that person did and yea I would most definitely say it way different if someone just lost a game. I think that alot of times we can misunderstand just what someone is trying to say based on how there voice is when they say it. Just like I wouldn't say o like the person on number nine did to someone loosing that doesn't mean that someone else wouldn't. Each person expresses information differently.

Non Verbal

I totally agree with this article. Reading it made me think about my friend from Japan and how when she was going to school at the W and celebrated her first Christmas ever and yes indeed she did take her time in opening her present making sure not to mess up anything. I think that showing that kind of respect to something or someone is very special and caring. Also yes it is weird how a some people consider kissing in public disgusting but hey that is just two people showing they love each other. A person's non verbal communication is just as important as there verbal.

Face Game

Okay I can not tell you how much I loved this site. I visited it several times since the day you gave the syllabus lol. This can be beneficial because it helps you see what each facial expression means. Sometimes it can be hard to read a person and how they are feeling. This website is fun and helpfull on showing a person what face expressions mean. I really love it :).

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I agree that yes we do go through our feelings and emotions just like we do a sickness. I also believe that the mood we are in in that moment we do something then that is how we will react to situations. Like right now I am both hurt and mad so I really just don't care about anything. I had to read that article several times over and over just to try and write this entry on it. Everything we do depends on the mood we are in obviously if we are happy it will show and if not well it is going to show also. The brain controlls everything we do sometimes I just wish mine was better at controlling my heart.


I honestly don't understand why they analyzed this so much. I agree with the first model. You hear something then you have reactions to it. It is that simple no need to look further into it. I mean each one of the models tried to explain the same thing just more complicated and in depth than the previous one. I do believe that our bodies react to the noises around us in an accordingly way. If we hear gun shots naturally we are going to jump and tremble. If we hear music we are going to start moving to the beat. It is all just natural.

Gender Free Language

I like this website it gives people other ways to say occupations other than degrading certain sexes by giving them the other sex name. I think that occupations are meant for either male of females so why label them as strictly male occupations. There are women who deliver the mail so why should it only be called postmen, it is not fair to the women who work just as hard at their job as the men do.