Tuesday, November 13, 2007

self-fulfilling prophesies

I totally buy into the whole self-fulfilling prophesies. I believe that if someone is told something enough then they will start believing it. If someone is constantly being told that they are a failure then eventually they are going to just give up on life and believe they will fail at everything. On the other hand if someone is constantly told how great they are they will start to believe it and become very coincided. So yea I totally believe in the self-fulfilling prophesies.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

How Personal Are your relationships

I did not have the book to actually do this blog but I will do a version for you :). I believe that my close realtionships are very personal but each one on a different level. Each friendship is very unique and I like my friends in different ways. I am much closer to some and self disclose more to them because I trust them more. Each person brings a diffrendt asspect to my life. I am very dependant on some of them especially the friendship with my best friend. Somedays I think that I can not live with out her because she means so much to me.

Communication Skills Test - Abridged

Results of the Communication Skills Test
Communication Skills Index
Your score = 68
What does your score mean?
Way to go! According to this test, your communication skills are very good. You manage to get your point across in a clear, concise way and are also able to listen to others and understand where they're coming from. Until you reach a score of 100, though, there is always room for improvement. If you want to reach your full communicating potential, all it takes is a little know-how and effort

I believe that this is pretty accurate. I like it when people get what I am trying to say to them therefor I try my best to explain it all in a way that they will. In order for someone to listen to you I think that you must also listen to what they have to say so I try to give them my full attention when they are talking. I agree 100% that everybody needs improvement in communication all the time and we should all strive to be better communicators.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Expectations for Interpersonal Communications

I hope that in this class I hope to learn more about communicating with others. I really look forward to this class and learning about the different forms of communicating. I hope to have fun and learn a lot of information, not just memorize information for test. I think that what will be taught in this class will help me all of my life.