Thursday, January 24, 2008


This was a very interesting article. I never thought about conflict in a bussiness aspect. I know that I avoid conflict and even accommodate in order to keep from arguing. I really like this paragraph from the article:
"The reasons we use different styles varies. We often avoid when we don't want to get involved or we decide it's not worth the effort to pursue. It's important to "pick your battles" since they can't all be fought and won. We compete when we strongly believe in our ideas. We accommodate when we want others to like us or we like things to run smoothly or we don't feel like we have the right to remind others of their responsibilities. We often compromise when we are in a hurry. We use collaboration when we want everyone involved to feel "ownership" for the outcome." That is so true and I really liked it because it breaks down why we do each one of the arguing tools.

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